Let’s Get Corona Creative!
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<ol> <li><a href='https://theblogofbildo.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/2f6cf-ep41.mp3'>Ep. 41 - Coping with Corona</a></li> </ol>
Ok, so this Coronavirus thing is a little more serious than we thought.
As the rules change daily and we become more and more isolated from friends and family, it’s hard to cope. Not to mention the difficulty in experiencing job losses.

But I have a suggestion – let’s use social media for actual social purposes and let’s get creative!
I know you’re probably rolling your eyes because you’re not a four year old and colouring in books are beyond you, but here are only a few reasons why creativity is so kick ass:
Creativity allows you to express yourself
Creativity reduces stress and anxiety
Creativity allows you to enter your happy zone and have fun
Creativity gives you a sense of purpose
Creativity can lead to feelings of accomplishment and pride
Now, I may have gained this information from an article titled The Significant Benefits Of Creativity In The Classroom but facts are facts. While we’re stuck inside and need something to occupy our minds and keep us sane, there is no better solution than investing in your creativity.

Let’s get the party started with attending a drawing class – virtually!
Samantha Meurant
Samantha is an artist from a small rural community in South West Queensland, Cunnamulla, and aside from being an absolute creative, she runs virtual art workshops that we can all partake in!
She has a workshop coming up on 5 April 2020 (or you can check out her Facebook page for the latest workshops), where she will teach you how to draw your own Mandala.

Draw your own Mandala | Image Credit: Samantha Maurant
If your own Mandala doesn’t cheer you up and make you feel better, I think we’re gonna need some exercise.
Yoga with Adriene & Madfit
Now more than ever, we need to get creative with our exercise. And if you’re like me and like exercising whilst lying down, you can’t go wrong with yoga and meditation!
I am currently OBSESSED with sweet-natured Adriene, who offers a free range of YouTube classes for beginners (like me) as well as for you more qualified lot (ahem, channelling all Lindalin’s), and guided meditation classes.

Adriene Mishler | Image Credit: Elemental, Medium
All you will need is the will to move and wi-fi. You can do it with the kids too – my kids love it and do whole classes with me! Granted, I’m the jungle gym in this scenario, but it’s happening and it’s fun for us all!
Something about my brain prefers to do three 10 minute classes instead one 30 minute class, so I include a bit of Madfit in there to get the body moving and hopefully even build some muscle. Not gonna lie, my abs almost have some definition!
Music is alive
Music is more alive now than it ever has been, and if there was ever a better time to learn to play that guitar you bought 13 years ago – it’s now!
Dust off your instruments and hit up YouTube for guitar tutorials, piano tutorials, violin tutorials – even harp tutorials… I think you’ll find that there’s a tutorial for every instrument!
Already established musicians are also taking it online to spread their gift and show some love to us all.
A search for online concert should show everyone from from John Legend to Eurovision contestants, like Bulgaria’s Victoria, doing full concerts from their home.

But more importantly, find your local artists, the guys who have been gigging their whole lives and who have now lost work due to venue closures. Brisbane based Venus Envy have been live streaming concerts and haven’t Zoom shares just sky rocketed – because artists are taking to Zoom to perform for the people virtually!
Try and support local as best as you can, because frankly, it doesn’t take much to do a bit of research and show some appreciation.
TikTok Madness
I’m not proud of this one.
Well… I guess I am a little proud.
If you haven’t heard of TikTok, I don’t even know how you managed that, but it’s been my favourite form of social media during this horrible time for the world, because it’s basically people dancing, having a good time and making assess of themselves – cue the @bildoandlindalin TikTok account!
Lindalin and I have joined the #IsolationGames and honestly, when is the last time you tried to learn a dance? ‘Cause that shit ain’t easy!
But it was so much fun to do and I certainly felt those rewarding feels when we managed to learn a few choreographed steps! So start a TikTok account and make an ass of yourself! It’ll be fun, I promise!
You Do You
Whatever your flavour of creativity be, just do it! Easter is coming up, maybe you want to learn to paint your own eggs, like every European mother ever.

Involve the kids in your activities or learn from them! My girls can be occupied for hours with one sticker book and one hardwood floor.
The world (your house) is your creative oyster.
Please share your creative ideas in the comments and let’s all survive this thing – together.
Be well, STAY HOME, and remember, now more than ever – don’t be a dick. The world needs you to be kind.